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Birth control shot side effects weight loss - beginning regulate shot side effects weight loss

01-02-2017 à 17:00:56
Birth control shot side effects weight loss
This showed more than 25 tumours throughout the left and right lobes of my liver, almost certainly caused by the pill. One more question, and this goes out to all of you women as well. My mom has been trying to get me off of it because she too shared with me all the negative things that birth control can do that no one tells you about. Oftentimes the eternal jing can help as well. And I do believe that there are so many benefits to coming off it (decreased risk for certain cancers and blood clots and emotional re-stability being but a few). You will just have to stick with it unfortunately. I have an appointment with a doctor but it not for another month (I could not get one sooner) and I am becoming more and more distressed about the symptoms I am feeling. Hi Amber, it can take awhile to get your period back. My boobs doubled in size and were leaking milk. Dairy is another big one that can interrupt with hormone balance. With so many factors on the plate, such as Candida, and hormone imbalance it is difficult to say what is contributing to what. Yes, shedding is related to your hormone levels. Even if you have signs of high testosterone, this product can help clear it if your case is not severe. I have been taking a prenatal vitamin but wonder if I should add something else. The pill depletes you of many essential nutrients like B- vitamins, Magnesium, Zinc, and Selenium. Also, do you know how long in can take to get regulated or does it just depend on the person. I am 2 months out from my last day on nuvaring. Do you have any strictly diet-based advice for getting back to health. Before coming off of it last year, I have gone off of it for about 4 months and experienced bad acne. I have started to try and balance my hormones after coming off the pill. Hi Lisa, it all depends on your symptoms or what you have been going through. Since you are having attacks, it is recommended to use both products, especially if they are looking to take the gallbladder out. That is the same link you provided above, but it is for the 180 capsule bottle of FLOWER pollen. Another negative side effect is I started losing a lot of hair. I also have a very low tolerance for alcohol these days. It could just be my mood changing as I get off them but even in pictures I look a lot worse. This is essential for staying fertile, having normal periods, a good mood, no anxiety, and for maintaining a healthy weight. I could probably only afford 2 of them to start. I just want to make sure none of my supplements mess with the new supplements or the cleansing process. It is close to painless, permanent and his partners will never have to worry. One other thing you could look into is your blood sugar balance. Once you go back off of them, they problems will return. It would be a blend of paleo and the ketogenic diet, but only eating organic meat, wild fish, eggs, tons of green vegetables, herbs and heavy fats. It is not what most men want to hear, but it does not involve hormones. Lord knows my body is in shock and my goodness an array of symptoms have occured. I went in and did a urine test, which all came back negative. You can read my whole article series on supplements HERE. I really believe in food as medicine and was hoping to find some information about eating more live-source vitamins targeted towards coming off and detoxing from hormonal birth control. I feel like I am going crazy with these symptoms and no one, including my doctor, is taking it seriously. Therefore, do not stop taking them if you do not see results right away. ) all of which can be found in the comments and the post itself. 3% accurate. I quit the pill for good in June and am shedding hair like crazy. If you are not sure you have a good local option of the pollen and honey, go to the previous links to see my favorites. Aloe can work, but I would try a more therapeutic aloe since its main mode for action is healing the gut. What is clear is that you need to start cleaning up the body. This is an excellent product to start with along with the DIM detox and B vitamins to get back on track. Try it for about 6 weeks and see how it helps. is that true. I would start on the supplements and then get your hormones checked after a couple months to see where you are at. You will also want to eat probiotic rich foods like kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, organic tempeh and kefir daily. This can happen from coming off the pill, as the body tries to balance itself out. Ultrapollen is to be taken as a capsule, with food. I had a myomectomy in 2011 and was put on the pill shortly after to manage my fibroids. Finally, the best supplement I have found for clearing up skin, especially that which is hormone related is the product called Femmenessence Macaharmony. Morning Tori, I am so happy to hear this. It is really difficult to give a general time period for the balancing of the hormones, but typically the waves of weight gain only last a few months for most people. If you are having symptoms such as fatigue, hair loss, low sex drive, then you will want to add in additional herbs such as the eternal jing and adaptogen energizer. Also, when do you take all of these supplements. Originally I knew I wanted to get off of it because I kept hearing info from friends and tv, etc about bad things that had happened to people because of taking the pill. There is inconclusive evidence to whether that will interact with the efficacy of the BC. If necessary, I would suggest looking for a naturopathic doctor, acupuncturist or chiropractor. Some chiropractors can help with this as well, but I doubt it is a structural issue. I will never go back on synthetic birth control and am committed to do whatever it takes to balance my hormones naturally. I actually would be very annoyed with my boyfriend for wanting to all the time, and when we did I would just want it to be over (poor guy lol). I also noticed quite a bit of weight gain after getting off the pill. There is a possibility that your symptoms will come back, because the pill masks them, but there are other ways to handle it that does not involve BC. Get a blood test and check your ferritin levels. This ingredient has also shown in studies to cause vaginal and rectal irritation that can heighten the chance of becoming infected with HIV. My boyfriend and I started using it since I went off of the pill from being on it many years minus 11 months from having my daughter in 2008. It has been a month and I gained 6kg while actually having a healthier diet and exercise 3 times a week. Hi Caterina, I would get on the supplements to start getting the hormones back in balance. It is always nice to hear that people are listening to their intuition and taking charge when they know something is not right. Three months ago I went to the gyno and complained and they put me on a stronger birth control pill, I was taking Alesse and then they put me on Marvelone. You can use the links to the supplements to purchase them. In any case, I am now a full-believer in being able to change your health (even your genes) with diet and lifestyle. Also you say wine and beer is bad is there an alternative drink that would be better on occasional nights I go out for a drink with friends. Therefore, I would suggest getting a salivary hormone panel done to see where you are. In addition, adding a high-quality protein powder (whey is the most supportive for weight loss) will be a good addition too. While you are still on the pill, I would only suggest supplementing with the B vitamins and Gallbladder ND. A tell tale sign that your acne is caused by high testosterone is back acne, and acne around your mouth and chin, and chest (but it is not limited to this). I feel at my best a week after ovulation, this episode of feeling normal only lasts about 7-10 days. Weight gain is only the body trying to find its balance again after coming off of the pill. Lauren, I read both of your posts on Birth Control, and I wanted to say thank you. So make sure to eat your protein, even if that means adding a small portion of grass-fed, organic buffalo or lamb into the diet a few times a week. In some cases, depending on how long you have been on the pill, you may need to take B6 indefinitely. There is also a product called a Lady Comp that is also great to go along with the fertility book. Now it is just thin and it never seems to grow. Unfortunately these things take time, but in the meantime I would 100% get on the Gallbladder ND by Premier Research Labs that I suggested, this should help with the anxiety, energy and depression since it will replace the B6. I have been suffering from dry skin for years and when on BC it got even worse. You mentioned the use of a supplement for the gallbladder, but would I still need to take it. Hi Charlotte, I would just follow the recommendations in the post, those are what have worked for me and my clients. Depending on how you are doing, then you can make a decision from there. Secondly, getting off the birth control pill is a choice, and it was my personal choice. It is along the lines of a natural family planning method, but it is 99. Are you exhibiting other signs of hormone imbalance such as fatigue, hair loss, trouble focusing, irregular period. To answer your question, yes conventional meaning not organic, free-range, grass-fed, antibiotic and hormone free. I have stopped the pill obviously and have radically changed my diet to anti oestrogen and I have never felt better. Each person may have to adjust this program to her body type, weight, and hormone issues. I started noticing it when I was 18, about 3-4 months after I started taking birth control, and no one (including doctors) could tell me what was going on and they played down my concerns that it could be related to the pill. Do you have any help and advice for this. I hit rock bottom in Jan 2013 and after suspecting the Mirena for a long time my doctor finally agreed to take it out. Therefore, this honey and pollen mixture has a two-fold benefit. Secondly, this honey and pollen tonic is also an excellent LIVER tonic. Hi Molly, I was taking both for cramps, and it took a month to 6 weeks to have full relief. I finally stopped last month around the same time. On Tri cyclen I was a roller coaster of emotions- happy one second, crying the next, becoming so anxious I drove to urgent care multiple times, the list goes on. If this link is in fact the pollen you recommend going with, do I break open the capsule to put into the raw honey. Would you suggest that I go on bcp for a few months as the doctor suggested to normalize hormone levels. I am planning to get off of the pill in the near future (have been on it consistently for 12 years). Currently, I am debating stopping the pill (which has been a part of my life for 15 years). In the last 2 months I have gained 2. I still struggle with brain fog and fatigue. I just found this blog and am going to get these supplements. Figured I just need to get rid of the shot and keep sticking to natural remedies and a better diet. It will also be important for her to eliminate any foods that contain xeno estrogens. I would just be mindful of the source of iron you are taking, it should be live-source, as iron in a synthetic form can be potentially harmful to the body. So with that said, thanks for helping me with my decision. I have decided to go off it after only one cycle (which ends in a week). My personal favorite product for flower pollens is. The Holy Kale is a unique source of information all women should be aware of. That for a lot of women has been really effective, and hopefully it will be for you as well. I mean, the kind of cramps you will happily kill yourself if the option was available. To lower testosterone, try taking Saw Palmetto by Pure Encapsulations. Hi Carmen, while it is not a direct side effect of coming off the pill, if your hormones are out of whack, then this can effect your adrenal glands which if exhausted can lead to a more suppressed immune system. e. The good news is that they work on the body as a whole, mentally, spiritually and physically, so there is a good chance you will notice a benefit beyond just hormone balance. You can try using both the Ultra Pollen with the honey mixture for a stronger effect, or you can take one or the other. He could always guess my period was on the way because of my awful mood swings. I would love to follow the regimen exactly, but financially speaking I definitely cannot get them all at once. I personally would use Magnesium Glycinate, and then Max B ND by Premier Research Labs. I would suggest getting on them right when you get off the pill, especially if that is within the next month. Hi Jillian, unless you have a diagnosed condition to why you were on the BC in the first place, I would not think that you need to see a physician beforehand. These supplements can actually be taken with or without meals and at any time of the day so I would suggest planning on taking them when it is easiest for you to remember. I have been off of birth control for about a year and a half and still feel like I am experiencing hair loss. A great book to read is The Way of the Happy Woman. I am so tired of taking something that is so unnatural. Hello Huda, the problem is that BCPs are not the solution to your problem but merely a band-aid. Hi Sarah, I would suggest taking a magnesium supplement along with B vitamins. Thinking of taking the hormonal balance saliva test so that will confirm the hormonal imbalance but not sure how much more confirmation I need after experiencing a lot of systems. Hi Kelly, I would suggest following the protocol I have lined out. I have had the most success with it this way and I cannot say I have utilized them separately for this specific issue. I have made the decision to stop birth control. I just wanted some aid or assurance if this is normal or not. I do hope that you can find the perfect path for your journey. Hopefully you were able to get it all figured out after coming off. I am 24 years old and I started taking the pill at 14 years to control acne and regulate my periods. I am glad I found your post at the right. Possibly a Naturopathic doctor, acupuncturist or chiropractor would be a good start. My favorite way to clear xenoestrogens is with a compound called DIM, or diindolymethane. It does get better, especially if you apply the tools I discussed. As for a bee pollen substitute, I would try the Adaptogen Energizer and Eternal Jing instead. If it is right for you to come off, then everything will work out. You have to do what is right for you and your body, and it seems as though the anxiety you are dealing with now maybe already influencing your relationship. This is all normal, and I would just keep moving forward. The reason I am giving you this list is because so many women will get off the pill, experience some negative side effects, get scared, and go back on. It contains milk thistle and sulphorane (excellent liver detoxifying agents), alpha lipoic acid, n-acetyl-l-cysteine, taurine, glycine and methionine which are needed to fuel the detoxification pathways at the liver. I would definitely suggest taking the Gallbladder ND. Aside from feeling great, I also have been enjoying latex-free condoms. Hello Adriana, Thank you so much for writing in. I would also look at using ORGANIC paleo-type diet as a therapeutic way to balance blood sugars which also can play a role in hormone imbalance. Sometimes it is very painful and other times it just goes away. While everyone is a bit different, it is the best place to begin and then modify from there as you go along. With that being said, if you are planning on coming off of birth control before a big event, say a wedding, then I would advise waiting since weight gain is a possibility. You can take the Hair and Nails with the DIM or on its own. I tried getting of the pill about 9 years ago after being on it for 15 years. Conventional dairy: cheese, milk, butter, ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese. Well, your site has encouraged me to finally attempt to get off the pill. This is absolutely, by far and away, no questions asked, the best relationship I have EVER in and I am so scared that going off BC will ruin it. I personally use 1 tsp of Gallbladder ND by Premier Research Labs daily. I have an extremely hard time loosing weight and lots and lots of fluid retention. I have to have a cup of coffee to wake up. Finally, if you have or are dealing with any diseases, conditions or cancers, make sure to check with your practitioner before taking any supplements. may find that this program helps greatly, but may need extra assistance. This particular product is far more potent that raw maca powder and has been found in human clinical trials to demonstrate statistically significant improvements in hormone balance. Havin a kyst on one of my ovary I cannot put a IUD before I have it taken out, so my ob gyb put me on a only progesterone pill about 2 months ago. I live in Aus and I was wondering if you knew of an equivalent of hair and nails by dragon herbs that is available here. I feel like of I get off of it, I could take awhile to adjust and experience problems. I feel bloated, anxious and tired all the time. Hi Lauren, reading your article has felt like a comfort blanket. I typically recommend for people to start with 3 AE, and 1 EJ. My favorite way to get these in the body is through the use of pollens. I already take a multi vitamin, fish oils, evening primrose, magnesium zinc calcium and biotin. I would also be very strict about your intake of sugars (all forms), carbohydrates and alcohol. You can then transition off and see how you do. I would 100% try Hair and Nails by Dragon Herbs. I would look into insulin resistance, for some who have hair loss that can be an underlying cause that is often undetected. The reason I first started taking the pill was to clear up acne, but I wonder if I have outgrown it by now. Any info or insight you could give into this, especially, the first part of my post, would be greatly appreciated. As for the cramps, this depends on what the underlying issue is, and the supplements and diet change may alleviate them. I just think I look healthier and prettier on birth control. The DIM is great for converting the estrogens from the BC, but if you have been on it for longer than a year, I would highly suggest the Gallbladder ND as well to replace loss B6. By sticking to this diet, it helps balance the blood sugar and therefore the hormones. This included fruits, natural sugars, starchy vegetables, alcohol and grains. In fact, for the most people it improves their relationship. Did it take you 3 years of trying all these supplements to see effects. He and I both have a daughter from previous relationships and both sat down talked about it and came that coming. I have been contemplating getting off the pill for a few years now but something in me is telling me that as I am approaching my 16th year on them, enough is enough. These chemicals, just like the chemicals found in plastics, or hormones found in conventionally raised meat and dairy, interrupt normal hormone balance. My first cycle was no biggie, minor cramping during my cycle but that was it. First and foremost, follow my suggestions of taking the DIM Detox, and the Femmenessence Macaharmony. I have recently considered taking the DIM detox while on the herbs and acupuncture because I am still having issues with acne and hair loss. I feel this relationship either breaks or works depending on my decision of taking the pills or not. Now if you want to take weight loss a step further, I would suggest a supplement packet called PureLean Pure Pack by Pure Encapsulations. I would suggest taking the supplements to help balance your hormones which will help bring your period back. I started feeling really bad, stressed and low so I stopped it mid-cycle. Decided I wanted to try and conceive, so after 13 years on the pill, stopped. Even on the pill I deal with hormonal acne and night sweats. I would recommend taking the products for about 6 weeks to start. While on the shot I was very moody and never wanted to have sex. DIM is a phytonutrient (plant nutrient) that is found in cruciferous vegetables. Initially for the first few weeks when I came off I felt better, detoxed, relieved. My BBT when I first wake up is usually 98. I sent you an email about my story with birth control. I have had this feeling in me that I really need to get off birth control for the past 6 months or so. I am suffering from a major hair shed after coming off a high androgen birth control and just recently was diagnosed with PCOS. Try my daily low-sugar cleansing green smoothie with PureLean Vanilla Protein (sweetened with stevia). Why iam shedding so much when i stop bcp. The only other option I have explored is an IUD, but it has its downsides as well. college orientation, but def not to the degree that I experienced it) even if I was aware that this was not normal for me. I do have to say it has been quite difficult for me. It is unknown if use of Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection during adolescence or early adulthood, a critical period of bone accretion, will reduce peak bone mass and increase the risk for osteoporotic fracture in later life. Organic dairy is similar to meat, but I still would not recommend eating dairy. I have not been able to find any other information which actually discusses solutions to the negative side effects instead of just the side effects. As for the gallbladder, surprisingly you still need to take gallbladder nutrients although the gallbladder is no longer there. It is imperative that the meat is all organic, because otherwise you are exposing yourself to hormones. In addition, I noticed an increase of strong body odor like skunk twice alrdy and also sweet body odor at times. I would like to thank you for posting about your experience coming off the birth control pill. Lead is in your salad, in your grains, in everything. You can also add in dry brushing and infrared saunas to keep the lymph moving to help with cellulite. Regarding what you said about hormones taking up to 2 years to regulate, do you have any studies that I can read about that. Therefore, use this as a guide, but do realize that in some cases, this may not be the end-all be-all for you. Although this is commonly taken for the prostate, saw palmetto has been shown in research to lower testosterone and therefore can be taken by women. You will have to talk to him about your choice and hopefully that will be something that he respects. Sticking to whole grains, vegetables, fruits and free range eggs (healthy cholesterol needed for hormone production) is a better idea. Birth control sounds like a good next step for you. Once the progesterone levels are normalized, the thyroid often normalizes as well. From there is continued in a slower rate until most all back within 9 months. Sugar can lead to hormone imbalance due its role in blood sugar and insulin. I cannot tell you how long it is going to take, because every body is different, and the duration of your time on the pill is different. I am very hygienic and shower daily and use an anti perspirant. Frozen shoulder could be from a lack of magnesium which can be a side effect of BC so I would try supplementing with magnesium glycinate, in addition to the Gallbladder ND I suggested. Has anyone had any experience of the weaning process. I loved one of the pills I took a few years back (Microgestin Fe), until it started causing me to have lots of breakthrough bleeding, breast pain, and cramps. I also feel like I am able to cry at a drop of a hat. Severe bloating, i looked like i was 8 months pregnant. The active ingredient, a chemical called Nonoxynol-9, has been shown to disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria in the vaginal tissue and can even increase changes of E. I was first on Ortho tri-cyclen and am now recently on Generess Fe. My doctor had me try Kariva for a little while, until that caused breakthrough bleeding as well. This is my third month without the pill and the first real month I started seeing all the negative side effects of the pills, MAJOR PMS, acne, back pains, etc etc. Therefore, I would suggest finding a holistic practitioner in your area such as a naturopathic doctor to start investigating your hormones. I have previously had my heart checked out and the doctor said I was extremely healthy so I am wondering if it could be related to coming off birth control after about 12 years. Something is telling me to stop, and I have to listen to my body. Not to mention it can lead to other issues such as acne. When switching to the Marvelon I got sudden anxiety, panic attacks and extremely irrational thoughts. As for the melasma, I would make an appointment with a dermatologist to see what your options are for non-tonic whitening creams. I am honestly quite scared of this journey but its time and I know it will be better in the long run. The basics are the Gallbladder ND and DIM Detox. This is a low glycemic diet that will help to balance the insulin levels, which could be an underlying cause of the hair loss. Another option is to make a homemade honey, bee pollen tonic. I have gained 7 pounds and cant get it off. I experienced debilitating depression and after 6 months got back on it. I would also start looking for a holistic practitioner in your area including naturopathic doctors. BUT I am not saying that you can only use supplements and not change your diet. One thing I notice is my basal body temp. Xenoestrogens are a large reason why the hormones come out of balance once coming off of birth control pills. Xeno estrogens are known to increase your risk of cancer so I just take it everyday. These chemicals are playing a role in your hormone imbalance, leading ultimately to acne, in addition to delayed or absent periods, bloating, low energy and libido. After a couple months, you can then move to the other supplements if your body is still not in balance. I take 2-4 Eternal Jing and 6 Adaptogen Energizer daily. I got off birth control 2 months ago and I still have no period. In regards to your diet, I would stick to a low-glycemic, plant-centric diet. I would definitely start with the DIM and the gallbladder ND. It has been 4 days now but I never realized how serious it was to get off the pill. I cannot find the Ultra Pollen in anything beside capsules (on amazon). 5-3 kilos for no apparent reason. I have recently been thinking of doing this myself as I have been experiencing numerous negative side effects and feel getting clean of the pill is the first step in the right direction. But I would also suggest a product called Gallbladder Complex (see link). I had no idea they could contribute to my calcium issues or other vitamin issues. Now, I am going to give you a run-down of the strategy that I took to balance my hormones. Hi,thanks so much for all the helpful info. Still have lurking issues and do not have the prime digestion I am looking for. I was wondering how long should you take the DIM Detox for. If you can find local raw honey and bee pollen, I would go for that, if not, you can always purchase online. Does anyone have any thoughts on the degree of hair loss I might have being on it for only one cycle. California passed a new law that all food supplements must have a warning for this, even if the lead amounts are no higher than what you would get in your food. The digestive issues, mood swings and acne are all related and will balance out once the hormones get back online. I am 100% certain that if I just stop after such a long time of taking it the consequences will be dire. My boyfriend and I recently took charge of revamping our health. What are your thoughts about taking it or taking Macafem. Also, when did you first start noticing regrowth. And once you have established how to track your time of ovulation, there is a time frame when you are safe against pregnancy. Like so many women the thought of stopping the pill is daunting, but I think we all have a really good sense of the right thing to do in our gut. If you need extra help with balancing blood sugar, I would suggest taking GlucoFunction by Pure Encapsulations. But I can tell you, that you CAN normalize your hormones, you can make them yourself, but you have to plan, be diligent and invest in the process. Often eliminating all sugar (including fruit and root vegetables) and grains helps in addition to taking chromium and magnesium supplements. Hi Amanda, I am sorry to say that there really is no way to be certain but to just be determined. Where do we stand with corn baised foods such as organic polenta. What do you suggest about going to the chiropractor. I recently went through one month of a new low dose bcp called femiane and that month was pure and utter digestive hell. Not only that but my butt and hips immediately got cellulite. Therapeutically I would say anywhere between 6 weeks to 3 months would be ideal. Apply these directly over the uterus when symptoms arise. In that case, a diet solely focused on the eliminated of grains and sugar is key. Keeping your hormones balanced, and the liver open are two keys elements for true anti-aging, so just keep that in mind when you start down this path. Hopefully you can find someone in your area to work with. It is always going to be best to get to the root of your issue, especially in these cases if you want full resolution. Hi Holly, everyone is different, but it is not out of the realm of possibilities for it to take affect so quickly. I would recommend getting on the Gallbladder ND for the B6 deficiency. I have to force myself to eat a lot of days. This does not mean that they are not working. As for tapering off the pill, I have not really heard that. Is it completely necessary to talk to a doctor. I think the more that we can clean up everything the better chance we have to determine the real root of our health issues. Just wanted to share that I just ordered a Lady Comp. If you cannot, look for a live source b6 and gold coin. I fully believe in diet being a major factor in stress management and improving your outlook on life in general. I tried to stop it cold turkey style a while back, but not surprising I felt so terrible I went back on it. If it is not, can you recommend other alternatives to take. Detox symptoms from milk thistle is not common, and detox symptoms are more short term and are more often fatigue and headaches. I thought about an IUD after discontinuing birth control, but I read many scary experiences. The film is the most comfortable for him and I both because it dissolves with your own body fluids apposed to the sponge or foam. I found that there was a trichology (hair loss expertise) place less than 5 minutes away from my apartment. I know that by taking the supplements, exercising and eating the right diet greatly reduces the time, so it is up to you to use an integrated approach. Secondly, you cannot consume foods that are going to interfere with hormone production and balance. The raw honey is to be mixed with the bee pollen. I would suggest getting on Hair and Nails by Dragon Herbs, while on the pill. I am currently going to see a OBGYN, in fact I also called one up and she suggested Diance-35 (bcp) for 6 months only. I had anxiety, horrible mood swings towards the end of the active pills, digestive problems, and acne. But then I took my second shot and was just fine. However if this a new guy on your life, protecting yourself from diseases comes first. I went off a high androgen birth control in. The supplements and diet will be key to getting back on track but what you are experiencing is normal. I typically recommend for people to start with 3 AE, and 1 EJ. It is imperative that you are having at least one bowel movement a day, that you are digesting your food without bloating, gas, pain, or discomfort, and that you are eating a CLEAN diet. Ok my gitlrlfriend has recently gotten off birth control and we have been trying to start a family we have been trying for a month and her test comes back negative all the time idk if were doing something wrong or what but i would like to know if there is something i can do. Now, to make this very clear, this advice is based on MY personal experience, and my experience working with others. So if you are coming off the pill in order to get pregnant, that is what I have been taught from my mentors in biological psychology. I got extremely scared after a year of severe thinning from a horrendously bad emotional year. I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year now, and have been on birth control pills for about 6 years straight (so I have been on the pill the entire duration of our relationship). As for the brain fog, that typically subsides after coming off the pill, so if you feel its best for you, then that might be what you should do. This does not happen over night, but the benefits are so great it is worth the challenge. My suggestion to you is to switch to all natural, chemical-free skin care brands. I first started the pill when I was 17, I have 3 children and those were the only times I was off pill when having my children. Those are really great foundational products to start with. If necessary though (if you cannot eat the pollen or honey), then the Ultra Pollen capsules can be a substitute. Sorry this is such a long message of me just complaining. While the BC helps, it only masks, which means that there is still dysfunction in the body. There may be a lot of other things going and to blame that on Depo-Provera is just not fair. I was put back on Ortho-Lo, but I want to get completely off and want my beautiful curly hair back. I could not function when I had my period and the fear of that returning has been what has kept me on the pill for so long. Other ingredients that are manufactured by ethoxylation have an increased risk of being contaminated with toxins like 1,4-dioxane, which is a carcinogen. EXPECT that things are not going to be perfect, and IT IS going to take TIME. longer than 2 years) only if other birth control methods are inadequate. Antibiotics kill not only bad bacteria, but good bacteria too. I do experience cramping from time to time and get excited but nothing ever happens. While that is not the ideal, it will be the most effective if you need to see a change asap while you work on balancing your hormones internally. HI Gina, it sounds like something else is going on that may not be hormone related. I did a rough depression treatment prescribed by my psychiatrist of Rivotril, Sertralin (Zoloft) and Depakin about two years ago and started feeling better since this summer. It is amazing how many of you out there are searching for explanations and answers. HI Erin, yes you will have to focus on balancing the hormones in order to get rid of the symptoms. I stopped my birth control last month and am doing the FAM method. Just stick with it and know that it will eventually even out. So finally I just gave up and quit taking the pill. As for coming off, there is also a wide range of experiences. However, I read about the horrible side effects, and it scares me a little. I am seeing a TCM doc and am on herbs to help my body transition (I also had an autoimmune thyroid flare prior to getting off BC). I have been on birthcontorl since I was 16, I am 33 now. After doing some research on my own, I finally became convinced that it was the pill causing my hair problems so now I am on a mission to get myself naturally healthy and do what I can to restore my hair. When I first brought it up with my doctor last year, they immediately shot it down and said it was unsafe and unnecessary. Do you take the Adapton and Eternal Jing every day or just when you are experiencing PMS symptoms. It has taken me 8 months to finally accept that my body is adjusting and will balance out in due time. Its very embarasing as you can imagine any help grealty appreciated. off birth control was the best option we were on the edge of loosing our relationship because of my mood swings. I have this dissociative feeling, like very dreamlike. A great option for birth control is the Fertility Awareness Method. Hi Miranda, Yes it is such a frustrating process but if you believe in it, then I think it is worth the undertaking. Bone loss is greater with increasing duration of use and may not be completely reversible. Now, if you are a woman and you have low iron, your body may produce more testosterone to compensate, then the byproduct of that extra testosterone (DHT) can attack the hair follicles and shrink them. The gallbladder is in charge of digesting fats, and if it is not doing its job properly, the body is fat deficient, which leads to the dry skin etc. Exercise is imperative to all functions in the body because it is what moves the lymph, strengthens your heart, your bones, your muscles while it also promotes detoxification. My hair stopped shedding as much, but depending on your state of health it could be longer, up to a month or so. The symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks. There is no place for fear here, and you will work through everything accordingly as it comes up. In the meantime, I have taken the necessary steps by eating a well balanced meal plan, juicing everyday, and taking certain herbal supplements. Hi Tara, I actually put it in a morning smoothie, but you can use it in grain dishes, on toast, or anything you would use olive oil or butter for. But as soon as my face went haywire I went scrambling back to old faithful. My husband and I will have to use another form of birth control but we will work through that. Hi Louise, I believe that those supplements are sold in Amsterdam so I imagine that there is a way to get it over to you. First 2 weeks having extreme anxiety and panicky. I am passionate about raw and organic food and I am against any chemical tablets that goes into my body if uncessary, I have very strong resistance of going back on the pills again. Yes, what you are going through is normal, it just takes time to get the body back on track. I initially went on it because of horrible periods and cramps (I would be doubled over in pain every month crying from the pain) and my doctor suggested I go on it because there is a long history of issues in my family. Plus, sometimes it comes on for a couple weeks, and then comes right back off. Jerilynn Prior, who shares her advice for managing symptoms after stopping Depo. I really hope to feel even more powerfull tomorrow and just give it up. For a while I thought that this newfound, terrible anxiety was also circumstantial (there were events that occurred that would have been normal to be nervous about i. Hi Daisy, that is very common once getting off the pill. Once off the pill, I would also suggest working with a ND. Hi Chloe, I have worked with Dragon Herbs for many years but all people have different needs and have different health concerns. Hi Tiane, my comment on 2 years is a personal observation I have made through my own journey and working with others as well. I would suggest getting on my recommendations and getting your hormone levels checked after a few months to see where you are at. Therefore, a key component to getting hormones back on track (restoring normal periods and fertility, stimulating hair growth, preventing acne and mood swings, restoring libido) we will be detoxifying and converting xenoestrogens from both the birth control pill and from other exposures. So i currently take bcp which i was taking at first and never had problem going off and on. Lauren, Your website is beautifully written, and I thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge. If you are taking antibiotics, you are killing this good bacteria and harming your digestive health and immunity, which will be an underlying factor in your acne, especially cystic acne. I would also read my post about the IUD before moving in that direction. I was on the depo provera shot for 9 months and decided not to get any more injections (I was due for one mid december) due to hair loss I believe this shot was causing. 1, and it should be below 98 and in the 97s before ovulation. We all want everything to happen so quickly, so its a good lesson in patience and a great insight into the inner workings of the body. It works by tackling the root cause of the issue, which is hormone balance and jing depletion. Also he and I would like to have a child and so for now we use the film. Im 25 and i have been on the pill for 6 years on and off. Then to just stay on them until you feel as though you have transitioned back. The worst time of the month for me is after my period and up to ovulation, during this time I feel out of control, panicky for no reason, very high anxiety which leads to feeling depressed, I feel very disconnected from the world and fatigued. Do not be surprised if you do not get results from other products. If you are taking supplements to support the hormones and eliminating the foods that act as xeno estrogens then you are on the right tract. Luckily I still have been losing weight and have not gained any from quitting the pill. My partner and I have drastically changed the way we eat since last November and have noticed the benefits now for months. Lead is in your salad, in your grains, in everything. Lauren, thank you so much for writing this article and the article you wrote previously about your experiences coming off the pill. No stones, just crystalization within the organ preventing the free flow of bile. When I found this out, I was mortified, as you can imagine. What would your suggestion be on anxiety, extreme fatigue and insomnia. Working with someone directly will be your best bet. If you have, please let us know your experience in the comments. The liver performs hormone synthesis, and without proper liver function, your hormones cannot balance. I just went off birth control about a month ago. Quitting my job in San Diego to go to Grad school in London for a year- leaving my boyfriend and friends behind. I do believe he is the one I am going to marry as he is so good to me and so good FOR me and is such an intelligent, honest and respectful man. Hi Tiffany, I would look to the other supplements, especially if you are trying to get pregnant. There is a wide range of side effects from being on the pill (depression, anxiety, acne, weight gain, insomnia, low libido, disconnection with partners, blood clots, painful periods, PMS, hair loss, etc. I would also use the Eternal Jing and Adaptogen Energizer. I had endometriosis so was put on the pill back to back. For one, I 100% believe in nutritional supplements and find that they are very necessary in order to rebalance the body, especially in conditions where the body becomes out of balance and is exhibiting conditions such as disease, toxicity and symptoms. I have had so many great successes with this supplement, its definitely worth trying. Otherwise, I am very fearful of supplements because I have heard that they can cause a build up of heavy metals in the system. It was the end of the semester, I had sooo much work to do, I was super stressed, and my hair was so thin I just started crying and hyper-ventilating all alone in the middle of the night, and I just felt utterly hopeless. You could start slow at 1 tsp daily, and try to work up to 2 tbs. I just came across your article and I really liked it. All the supplements can be taken while on the pill other than the DIM detox, they are not sure what the interactions are there. So birth control seems like the only logical explanation, as that is the only pill I take besides a multivitamin and biotin. It is a concentrated form of the adaptogenic root Maca. Also my skin tingles and itches on my scalp and body, and have so much dry skin in my ears, also my face, when I rub my fingers over feels so rough and dry, and no matter how much creams I apply its still there, but only by feel, to look at my skin looks fine. If you suspect that you are hypoglycemic, it could be that your blood sugar imbalance is influencing your hormones as well. If not, then that will be a bridge you will have to cross at that time. And I have found that these side-effects have become more intense since I was switched a couple of months ago (without consultation) to a generic brand of my birth control pill, which does have different ingredients (though I was assured it was the exact same pill). You can play with the dose as well depending on how you are doing. I would suggest looking at Pure Encapsulations, they have some good options. Now that I am thinking a little more clearly, I want to go off it. I contacted you a few months ago about your decision to go off birth control and found your reply very encouraging. I actually do not know of one unfortunately. Spermicides can be quite harmful to both the woman and the man using them. Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection should be used as a long-term birth control method (e. I would consider finding an alternative practitioner in your area that you could work with to help you ease through the transition. I know I will have to someday go through these changes when I finally decide to stop, but I would like to do it now and get my body back on track rather than continue this. Unfortunately it is a complicated process and no one thing will do it, that is why the supplements are so effective. Resveratrol would not be my first, or second choice for that matter, for acne. Some (lucky) women have a really easy transition with no complications, and others experience weight gain, skin changes etc. This article is a life saver and I hope these products helps. On a good note, it seems like I am sleeping more soundly and not waking up as easily to sound which I am REALLY happy about and hope it lasts. California passed a new law that all food supplements must have a warning for this, even if the lead amounts are no higher than what you would get in your food. I just went off of it yesterday, meaning yesterday I should have started, and have been trying really hard to find ways to regulate my hormones to not gain weight. In fact, the Environmental Working Group specifically lists contamination with 1,4-dioxane as a concern with this ingredient. The body is very interconnected and so it is very important to look at the body physically, mentally and spiritually. If you stick to this diet you will loose weight much faster. I am not sure about the basal body temp, but I am sure that once the cycle normalizes and the hormones balance that will change as well. There are not enough women talking about it in such an open and honest way. I do not like the feeling of having my hormones and body controlled by this little pill. Hi Katie, what was mentioned is something that can happen, but like all things in the world, you can never make choices based on fear, or what MAY happen. You bled so much because it was your uterus wall shedding. This will give my body time to adjust to the change. I am going to start taking DIM tomorrow, I take evening primrose oil and milk thistle also. Even worse, I GAINED more so I went from 115-118lbs to over 140 lbs. It had tons of information that I needed to hear. I experienced a marked increase in anxiety symptoms as well as OCD symptoms. Both honey and bee pollen are rich in bioflavonoids and nutrients that are essential to normalizing hormones. Also, my skin is more clear now than when I was taking the pill. If you have issues with high testosterone (can be verified by getting your hormone levels tested), it is imperative to keep your intake of sugar and carbohydrates low. Hi Ashley, I would meet with your gyno just to keep them on the same page, and then I would start on the supplement regime right away. I have horrible cramps but I can definitely not afford to go through two bottles of those pills each month. Plus it also may give you relief from cravings. With that being said, the majority of supplements on the market are toxic, and ineffective. I cannot explain how much this supplement has been a lifesaver. I might be repeating the obvious, but sometimes the simple things make real difference. Hi Kate, The supplements would be okay to take while breastfeeding, they actually should help with the quality of the breast milk, but I would wait on the DIM Detox. Secondly, if you do gain weight, rest assured this is NOT permanent. Dragon Herbs continue to do assays of their product, and it is safe to take. I would like your advice about my current situation. One year ago i stopped birth control pills and afterwards i had terrible shedding hair i guess telogen effluvium so i panicked and i jumped back on the same bcp which i was taking for about 7 months, i had lot of new regrow in hair but the hair denstity was not the same as before, but when i stopped taking the bcp once again i do have lot of shedding again. This diet helped me to get back on track, and then I have been able to move back to a vegan diet. I had a friend suggest it was due to me switching my birth control. I will give it a try and I am also seeing a natural medicine doctor this week to get my levels tested to get more insight thanks to your inspiration. This will help to keep your insulin levels balanced. 8 months ago, I chose to take back my womanhood by no longer taking birth control after being on it for 15 years. That can be anything from the use of supplements like B vitamins, St. For the first couple months I felt great and zero spotting but in the last going on 4 weeks Im back to spotting and feeling gross again. I would also start taking a B vitamin supplement as well. Love this post and so glad I stumbled upon your site. Every hr changing my pad. You can always start taking the supplements, except the DIM (since it may interact with the efficacy of the BC). I just read your first article and then this one and they explain A LOT. It is safe. Therefore, I would give it a try short-term, and if it works, then tamper off and see how you do.

I found having a low dose birth control without two types of hormones much better. Should I stop taking any of these before I start taking the supplements you listed above. I feel like my body is being pulled apart. Fortunately there are options, and we are more than in control of this decision. Two, I noticed that the DIM contains soy. Hi Ali, as you can see your experience is extremely similar to so many other women and so there is truth to what you are experiencing. She also pointed out that all of her friends and sisters were on it and none of them had any kind of issue in their relationships. Hence, when they become imbalanced, you can gain weight. Most often fish oils are rancid and contain heavy metals, both of which are not going to improve your health. Thank you so much for sharing your story. This is the only information I have seen on the problems of getting off the pill. Generally, I feel best when I eat just veggies. While there are countless supplements out there claiming that they stimulate hair regrowth, like biotin, minerals and B vitamins, the ONLY thing that I found to work was Hair and Nails by Dragon Herbs. I think the Eternal Jing and Adaptogen Energizer products will be a great way for you to get your sex drive back. One of the key things that needs to be done is to detoxify xenoestrogens from the body. My doctor also told me that I needed to gain weight in order to help balance the hormones (im a little under 100 pounds now). I am new to birth control pills as I started taking them mid-June of this year but made the decision to stop taking them two days ago. Hi Cari, you can continue to take your supplements, although I would switch from Fish oil to a plant-based essential fatty acid. I was on the pill for 18 years, if only I knew. I am going to a naturopath, who has given me Relora (I think it is called) and I doing massage therapy and will be getting acupuncture and hydrotherapy in the future. I came off the pill in February of this year and it feels like I have totally blown up. Not to mention I have horrible clots during. This is a very effective product that is vital for hair regrowth. Finally, it requires the elimination of sugar, including sugars from root vegetables and fruit. I would suggest taking Hair and Nails by Dragon Herbs, a supplement that has been incredibly effective in stopping hair loss and promoting growth. At first I felt fine, like nothing had changed and it made me happy but soon enough I had bouts with really frustrating anxiety that I had only ever dealt with once in my life. I have terrible aches and pains and a stiff neck and feel almost like I have the flu. I stopped taking birth control about 8 months ago, but while I was taking it I only took it for 2 months or less. The doctors solution was to put my on Diazepam in order for me to take an SSRI in order to suppress the panic attacks when I start taking the pill again. 2 much pain to use tampon. I actually believe that it has a lot to do with low testosterone levels because testosterone is the hormone that gives you confidence, and drive. Did you have any temporary increased shedding after getting off the pill (the dread shed). Hi Camelia, Thank you so much for writing in. Some it takes a month, others a few months. VCF film is a non horomonal birth control film thats placed in the vagina and after 15 minutes turns into a gel. It also helps to keep the body balanced by strengthening the immune system, the adrenal glands and fighting off stress. Check my Liver Gallbladder Cleansing post for more details. There is a book called Taking Charge of your Fertility and it has been a huge help as a natural birth control. Once I reach a point where I feel my body is in balance again, I plan on sharing my journey on my blog like you did, hoping I can encourage more women to reconsider birth control options. I have been off the pill for months now and still have not gotten my period. If yes, then I would start with the DIM Detox, Adaptogen Energizer and Eternal Jing to help you get in balance. I have never felt so strongly about anyone, we have been, and continue to be, so very much in love and we both feel that we are THE one for each other. I have been on birth control for over 10 years and I feel ugly when I get off birth control. Hi Zanna, of course there is the possibility of being pregnant, so I would definitely suggest going to your doctor to be tested. I never dreamed coming off the pill would have such an adverse reaction. Is there anyway you can give me an example of your day taking the supplements along with your diet. In any case, thanks for posting and spreading the knowledge. Would my side effects be limited from being on it such a short time. Love your article, I have just finished the Pill and so angry no one told me about some of the side effects sooner. I just hope this is all normal and that I can be back to my old self soon. I had only been on the Pill for almost two years, and it Generess FE. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences Lauren. Then I thought about that ALSO, in the past few months I started taking more vitamins and supplements like Milk Thistle among many others. This would include any fruit or natural sugar, or even sugars from root vegetables. For some people that is 1 month, others it could be a few months, so you just have to listen to your body. I have begun taking the DIM detox as well as the dragon hair and nails vitamins. In this case, why not start with the facial cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. This is because the root of the problem was never solved and the birth control serves to manage the symptoms only. I would also try eliminating all sugar, including fruit sugars for now. If you had read my first post on birth control pills, then you probably remember me mentioning that birth control pills cause a vitamin B6 deficiency. You will see that the Gallbladder ND will be extremely beneficial to you. I would suggest using the supplements I recommended, especially the honey and pollen, to get you back on track. I would suggest that you start with the raw honey and bee pollen blend (as long as you do not have allergies), along with the Gallbladder ND product. Believe it or not, I went on it for hair loss as it is supposed to be a so-called hair friendly pill. So i went back on it until last summer when i decided to permanently get it out of my life. That would also include sugars from fruit, starchy vegetables (beets, carrots, sweet potatoes) and natural sugars such as raw honey. I have gained about 30ish pounds and it is mind boggling. Are there a few supplements that you would definitely recommend that will do the job or are they all necessary. You have to realize, that after years of natural hormone production sedation, your body has to re-learn how to make and balance your hormones. (I was on the pill for about 10 years). My question is do I have to do both or just one of them. As for coming off, most people have relief from their symptoms, but some of them may drag on for a bit. Since coming off in January my hair has gone so thin and my temples have receded. I take vitamin d-3 because I am very deficient in that (I live in an area with an inversion). It is amazing how we are not informed about the potential side effects of birth control before getting on it. Anyways needless to say I came across your post one day and it was exactly what I needed to take that extra step and free myself from the pill. I swear by this supplement and take 4-6 daily without fail. I have been the same weight to the lb for the past 10-15 years even after having 2 children. Thank you for being so open and being so helpful by having this site. I still may want children in the future, but no longer want to pollute my body with birth control. B vitamins are also key for stabilizing the mood. I also was wondering if you talked with a doctor before you went off your birth control. Hi Lauren, I have been off of the pill now for about 6 months. Look at the difficulty people have from stopping only after taking it for a few years. I have been on Yaz since I was 18 and I had my gallbladder removed back in May 2012, and I thought it was because of my diet alone. I am 30 years old and have been on and off the pill since I was 16. Do you just take a spoonful of the coconut oil. I can see that you have inspired and supported SO many women out there seeking answers. This past June, I decided to switch to the progesterone only pill to see if it would help with my migraines. No matter how much we want to avoid it, we have to exercise to keep the metabolism running and to prevent weight gain. I really would like to stop taking these pills but am afraid all of those symptoms will return. I also like to pair it with a general B vitamin product called Max B ND by Premier Research Labs, so that my B vitamins stay in balance. I am not a doctor specializing in the endocrine system, and I am not saying that this is a full proof plan. I personally like using the supplement DIM Detox by Pure Encapsulations. They should really help your body prepare for pregnancy, plus they should make you feel better as well. Adaptogens help the body to overcome stress and physical weakness, and they also build the strength of the body. You may have to get your hormones tested (I like the salivary hormone test), and you may have to work with an alternative practitioner. Hi Alyssa, Thank you for your comment, but I would not recommend the use of VCF. I still want to get the live source B6 vitamin you have been talking about. It explains so much about our bodies and cycles. You can start on the regime before going off which will definitely help although I would wait to take the DIM detox until after you go off the pill. Thank you. But with that being said, for the majority of people supplements are needed since the diet is just not therapeutic enough. Your weight is intimately tied to your hormones. How do you recommend transitioning off of the pill and onto the supplements you recommended. This is a hard one because problems that people have before they go on the pill have a tendency to return once you come off. The goal is to eliminate inflammatory foods, and those that lead to blood sugar imbalance and therefore hormone imbalance. Fortunately depression is very responsive to alternative methods including light therapy, acupuncture, B vitamins, St. I think more health care providers need to explain birth control cessation symptoms with their patients so we know we are not alone. You cannot begin to understand how much your blog helped my outlook. In a nut shell, here is are the negative, yet TEMPORARY things I experienced. I want to do the cleanses in your blog, would it be okay if I took the supplements in this post and do the cleanse at the same time. Am I pregnant (we had unprotected sex), I need answers. Diet is going to be imperative for you as well as most likely doing some cleansing. In addition, I would consider looking into working towards liver and gallbladder cleanses. It seems the GYN like to put me on anti depressents to manage my moodiness. This is common when you are dealing with PCOS, but can occur even if you are not diagnosed with PCOS. The first thing to mention is not to freak yourself out. I would suggest that you start taking the supplements as soon as you get off the pill to ease the transition and to begin getting back in balance. I have thrown so much money at acupuncture, counselling (doctors told me to) and eating very very healthily (no red meat, organic veg, lots of green veg, rice, no unhealthy foods, no dairy). Making sure you are getting B6, which is in the Gallbladder ND, will also be important here. You mix it up and then take it from there. I got off the pill back in October 2012, and I did not start breaking out until February 2013. For new hair growth it started in about 3 months. Maybe the pill has something to do with it. Also, my body temperature has increased and I can get more air into my lungs. I am taking what you have recommended and am following a low glycemic diet. It can be scary but if you know what you are doing is the right thing, you can harness enough courage to move forward. I personally take one Dim Detox daily because of our constant exposure to xeno estrogens. g. I too have been diagnosed with PCOS but no longer exhibit its symptoms even after coming off of birth control. I live naturally in so many ways except using the pill. I got off the pill in December 2013 (so not quite 3 months) after being on it for 10 years. Consuming healthy saturated fats daily is going to be very important for getting your hormones back on track. To avoid it, just make sure to keep exercising, eating right and utilizing the supplements to balance the hormones. I was about to go back on the pill the day I read this post, so THANK YOU. I ordered the dragon herbs hair and nail vitamin and the Gallbladder B-6. In addition, I would start taking the wild bee pollen and raw honey blend daily as well that I mention in the bioflavonoid section. I am ready to take on the challenge though. If I am concerned about acne flaring up when stopping, would you recommend I visit a local naturopathic doctor. I have been on three different types of pills and have experienced horrible hormone changes. This is a combination of nutrients that support healthy blood sugar balance (glucose metabolism), fat burning, lean muscle mass, helps suppress cravings and appetite, lowers anxiety and stress, aids in athletic performance, and lowers inflammation, thus promoting weight loss. Therefore it is imperative that you supplement with LIVE-SOURCE B6 and the complex of B vitamins. This means that they can take up to 2- 3 months to show results since they work on the root issues of the body. I am now prepared to just say sayoonara and deal with the realistic expectation that my body will need some time to readjust. Im feeling super frustrated and just thinking I need to get the heck off the pill 100% and hopefully get back to feeling healthy. And here are the positive things I experienced. I never thought the pills could cause vitamin deficiency, and had attributed my new calcium needs to recent years of intensified exercise regimes. I have been eating lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, quinoa, and oats. I have decided to quit birth control this week. As for fibroids, I have heard of success cases in tackling them with alternative therapies and a nutraceutical approach. I am not saying it is going to resolve your problem, but it could help as it did in my case. Although our problems may arise back after stopping the pill, I think that this is the real opportunity to take care of the root once and for all. As for the foundation of bioflavonoids and coconut oil, these are overall essential to good health. As for the DIM detox, this is great as a preventative of infertility, hormone imbalance, menopause symptoms, and hormone related cancers such as breast cancer, since our xenoestrogen exposure is inevitable. Hello, For the diet aspect, you mention no conventional meats, dairy, wine, etc. It has also helpe